What is Cystic Acne?
Most of us as teenagers were plagued with acne. Breakouts can be brought on by hormones raging out of whack, or by stress, usually brought on around test time. After exams, and being careful not to mess with any pimples, they would clear up on their own after several days. This was simple Grade I acne, but what about cystic acne? You know, those painful bumps that were way beyond simple zits. This is Grade IV acne, the most severe. These pimples hurt and leave the worst scars. Even when you DON’T pick at them! What causes this most severe form of acne? Is it diet? Stress? Or are hormones the culprit? Let's dive into some possible causes of cystic acne, and what are some practical treatments.
Cystic acne occurs when bacteria have further inflamed ordinary acne, and pimples are now filled with pus. This mostly happens in our teenage years and can carry on into adulthood, and for the same reasons: hormone changes and increased stress levels. Acne can appear anywhere on the body. However, when acne appears on the face, it can be an even more stressful situation. So, instead of further worrying and causing more breakouts, let’s just visit a dermatologist, shall we?
A dermatologist, or skin doctor, can determine the type of acne that you have. No one wants to have to deal with acne on top of everything else in life. The doctor will help us out by offering solutions that will hopefully be effective. He or she will perform a visual skin test, or feel the bumps on your face with gloved hands. Taking note if the bumps are painful, if pus is present, and if the acne has spread to the neck and back, the dermatologist can determine your treatment options.
More than likely your acne will clear up with daily use of a mild cleanser on the affected areas, but sometimes a stronger topical medication or antibiotics may be needed. In the meantime resist the urge to pop pimples, get plenty of rest, avoid sugar and dairy, and avoid stressful situations as much as possible. And finally, let's avoid sleeping in makeup no matter how tired you are after getting home from the party!
Have you ever dealt with mild or severe acne at any time in your life? How was it handled? Did you need to visit a dermatologist?
Comment below with your experience!
#acne #cysticacne #breakouts #hormones #dermatologist
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